Friday, February 12, 2010

Toad in the Hole Recipe

Some of the things that I haven't made as often due to my family not liking my British food either due to the ingredients or the name itself. Growing up in England is much different than in America and the food is particularly different.

My family would never eat Toad in the Hole just because of the name. They couldn't stop thinking they were going to eat a toad. It's quite good and although there are no toads, it's delicious!

Toad in the Hole

Prepare a Yorkshire Pudding batter:

  • ¼ cup of bacon dripping
  • ½ cup milk 1 egg, well-beaten
  • ½ cup sifted all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • Fry sausages and lay them in the batter.
  • Bake as for yorkshire pudding.
  • Temp: 450º F Time: 10 - 15 min.
  • If you use a glass pie plate turn the heat down 25°F.
Detailed directions:

  • Combine a well-beaten egg and milk; beat till light.
  • Gradually beat in sifted flour and salt; beat with dover beater till smooth.
  • Let stand 30 minutes.
  • Put about 2 tablespoons bacon dripping into pan or divided up between 6 large muffin tins or into an 8"x8" pan.
  • Heat in oven, make sure you watch pan as it will start to smoke!
  • Pour batter into hot pan; and lay in your sausages. Serves 4.

    The trick is the hot fat and the hot oven. Don't keep opening the oven to check. Serve immediately as it will deflate as it gets cold. Pour nice beef gravy over top.
    Serve with Mash Potatoes, Marrowfat Peas and Gravy

To find more great British recipes, go here.


  1. Came over from Friday Follow. I'm a new follower!
    I can't even get my kids to eat things with normal sounding names:)

  2. Happy Friday Follow.

    I am your new follower.Tag, you're it,lol

  3. These sound yummy. I am now following your blog. Happy Friday Follow :)

  4. I would like to try that recipe. Welcome to the Blogoverse! Glad to have you part of the fun of Friday Follow. Rita @

  5. Yum. That sounds and looks delicious. Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I am now your blog follower. Sorry I am late, trying to get through the list.

    ~ Lynn

  6. I'm a new follower from MBC. You can find me blogging here:

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